What is the Best Board Room Format?

The best format for a boardroom is one that suits your size group, meeting topic and desired level of interaction. Each layout of a meeting has its advantages and disadvantages and there are many other factors that affect the success of a conference or workshop.

The classic boardroom layout is comprised of a large table that is situated in the middle of the room with seats around it. Commonly used for agenda-driven meetings and video conferences that require discussion, this type of layout can seat up to 25 people. This type of meeting is best suited for groups that have an established leader who can keep the group on www.boardroomcenter.com/why-should-be-considered-data-room-pricing/ track and guide the group.

The classroom layout is similar to a conference table, but with the tables closer to each other. It can accommodate up to 20 people and improves participants’ view. This layout is better to be used for workshops with small groups and group discussions rather than the layout of a boardroom which can feel claustrophobic for some.

The theater layout is another popular option for workshops or presentations with an audience of many. It is a layout that has rows of chairs that face the front. This layout concentrates attention on the audience, and allows speakers to direct their attention towards specific delegates or sections of the crowd. This arrangement might not be as engaging but it can keep the audience focused and entertained when sessions last longer than an hour.